Panda Paws Rescue Alumni: MISTA STEAL YO GIRL

Let the Fun & Games Begin

Mista Steal Yo Girl
Mista Steal Yo Girl on the Couch
Mista Steal Yo Girl With a Chew Toy


Mista Steal Yo Girl Smiling
Mista Steal Yo Girl with his Human

Mista Steal Yo Girl

Current Name: Mr. Charlie

Reason for coming to the rescue: Severe glaucoma in his right eye.

Mista Steal Yo Girl was rescued from a puppy mill auction in Missouri. Without the care of Panda Paws Rescue, he would have lost his right eye. He still has it –  just blind.

Adoption Date: March 2017

As soon, as I saw his post with the other three King Charles/English Toy Spaniels – I was in love!

He was extremely terrified of movement, sound, food.. Would just stay in one place.

He needed a lot of guidance. Ernie (schnauzer) lead the lead way for trust.

It became my purpose to show him love – daily. I wanted to show and treat him to the best loving life possible.

Today he comes when called and I can hold him. He is happy, healthy, and a very confident boy.