Panda Paws Rescue Alumni: Tulip
Adoption Day

My pack

Learning how to be a dog


Current name (changed): Sometimes called Eunice
Reason for coming to the rescue: Tulip was part of the giant Missouri Puppy Mill trip. She was bought at auction.
Adoption Date: 2017
Tulip was a puppy mill dog who came into rescue without a name and only a number. She has super thin hair and smelled of urine even months of being bathed by Amanda, her fosters, and our family.
She was the youngest dog we had ever had and I worried that she would not fit in as she was 2 years old at the time and we take in special need seniors usually. But Amanda swore that Tulip was more like a sloth than a puppy…and that is true to this day. Tulip is our youngest but acts the oldest. Which is why she has the nickname Eunice because we believe she is the 5th Golden Girl.
Tulip has been my hardest case in all my years of taking rescue pups. It wasn’t until this last year that she really sought out snuggles from my husband and I. She still will not walk on a leash or walk down stairs (she goes up them like a champ) and we have hired many a trainer to leash trainer her and she refuses. So she rides in a stroller or gets carried around like the princess she is.
She loves to cuddle her siblings and loves a giant fluffy dog bed.
Currently Tulip is still heart clear (yay) but she has quite a few issues. She does however have allergies (she gets injections), luxating patellas, some bone deformities, and of course her big issues are the emotional scars left from her puppy mill days.
Tulip is a baby steps dog. But she does keep moving forward.
Amanda’s original post: Her new name is TULIP! As Dianne DeHart wrote: “They emerge out of the dirt but bloom facing the sun in a splendor and beauty that is unmatched” and that couldn’t be more fitting for her! Alright, this little sweet cream still needs a name and I am sick to my stomach that I haven’t “found” the right one. She was formerly known as #194 and even though I have cut those tags off… she still should have a name sooner than later to make her rescue OFFICIAL! Feel free to throw in some ideas once you’ve read a bit about her. This sweetheart is a two year old English Toy Spaniel and she is EXTREMELY timid. She will not allow us to hold her or touch her, yet and she is very skittish if you move towards her. She has lacked human touch her whole life and she has lived in a wire hutch her whole life. Because of this she walks on the top part of her knuckles when she is on firm, solid ground. This is because their paws are not familiar with such stability and sensory-wise it feels “bad” to them. Over time she will gradually grow to be comfortable with solid flooring and she will walk normally without knuckling to reduce that weird sensation on her paws. Basically, imagine you now standing on wire and how you would respond after a life of walking on solid ground. This little cupcake (perhaps that should be her name) was seen by the vet yesterday and she is extremely malnourished, totally skin & bones! Her spine looks like a stegosaurus it’s so bad. She has respiratory arrhythmia like Charm does & sadly, there is nothing we can do about that because we cannot put a pace maker into her body. She also has such narrowed nares (nose holes) that she mouth breaths often because she cannot get enough airflow to her lungs via her nose. Luckily, we can surgically open those nares to make it easier for her to breath for the rest of her life! This baby is potentially pregnant and we will follow up with an Xray prior to spay to be certain. Last, her teeth are in horrific shape and we will need to remove some of them, including the ones she has broken off – likely from biting on her wire hutch. She’s a mess. And yet…. she was a coveted breeding dog for her whole two years. She has many babies out there who are likely to have her congenital deformities. THIS PEOPLE is WHY it is important to know who you are purchasing a puppy from IF you must purchase a puppy. Again, there are many breeds or reasons why someone would purchase over adopt. If one chooses to do so, do it RESPONSIBLY OR NOT AT ALL! DO NOT BUY A PUPPY OFFLINE OR FROM A PET STORE! Do not buy a puppy without seeing the parents, the breeders home/facility, without seeing and getting copies of their vet records which should include medical testing. Learn about what to look for in the breed you are seeking out & ensure you are not supporting anyone who has not taken all measures to reduce their breeds defects! I beg you. Look at this girl in her eyes and promise her you can do that, for her & for every dog who is used as an ATM machine despite health issues.