Panda Paws Rescue Alumni: Mai Tai
On my way to the mainland

Adoption Day

Living her best life

Mai Tai
Current name (changed): Sometimes CG (Crazy Girl)
Reason for coming to the rescue: She is from Hawaii. Because she is deaf and her puppy was deaf she had a slim chance of being adopted. Amanda and family went over to Hawaii. They rescued 6 dogs. Mai Tai and her puppy got to come to Washington. She was featured in Season 2 of Amanda to the Rescue.
Adoption Date: 2019
Oh she gets so excited to see people. In 2 years I have yet to see her find anyone she doesn’t like. She is such a good girl. Has no problem going to her crate when asked. Loves to be in recliner with me when I sit down. Knows she is not allowed on the couch, or the bed. Loves to play with other dogs, unless they are bigger than her. Then she is unsure. Is very neurotic about shadows, reflection, and flashlights. Doesn’t know how to play with toys, balls, or most things. Will find a twig and flip it about three times and is done. Has to rub her head on all my plants, also likes to pick flowers. Has been known to dig up all the potatoes in the fall. When frustrated will dig a hole. Hardly ever barks. Does not like to be scared. |