Panda Paws Rescue Alumni: PTERODACTYL
Pterodactyl now known as Asteriod

Pterodactyl being small but mighty!

Pterodactyl aka Asteroid
Reason for coming to the rescue: Found as a newborn/young kitten on side of road appearing to have broken/deformed front legs; severely dehydrated.
Adoption Date: 2019
Pterodactyl was featured in an episode of Season Two of “Amanda To The Rescue” called “It’s Raining Cats.” She had been born with a condition called radial dysplasia and radial aplasia in her limbs…the radius bone doesn’t develop or is under-developed. Cats can live very functional, normal lives with this condition, even having limited function in their front limbs. When we heard about the kitten and its condition, we just knew it belonged in our family, as my teen son was born with radial aplasia as well. He named her Asteroid to go with his other cat Supernova. She is a “spicy” girl who loves o play with anything that moves, chase and play with Supernova, and catch drips from the bathtub faucet when she’s thirsty. She’s not much of a cuddler, but she loves to “make biscuits.” She will likely always be on the petite side, but she has a huge personality to make up for it! My favorite moments are when my son holds him and says “Twinsies!” at their matching “paws.”